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Intellectual Property Laws

Stenwellip here to protect your rights of treademark, patents, industrial- design, copyrights and other rights.


Trademark: What is a Trademark and which body controls this matter in Bangladesh?

Trademark is the name of the product (i.e. Toyota is the name of a Japanese Car product). Bangladesh Government controls IP matters through the Trademarks Act of 2009. And it is a very worthy property to protect from infringing. We do protect your valuable trademark and for that, we do a new application to get trademark registration from DPDT (Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks) under the Trademarks Act, 2009. There are certain fees for different applications to protect a trademark fixed by the Bangladesh Govt. Apart from this, we do file a Civil Suit or Criminal Case on behalf of a victim whose trademark is in danger means someone is infringing/imitating or counterfeiting the trademark and manufacturing, marketing, and selling the goods in the market which is fully illegal and we do help to stop such illegal activities and making gaining the original trademark owner. 

Design: Design means Industrial Design, it may contain a design of the products themselves, or outfit appearance of the packet, or a box protecting goods the design of products or packets is precious intellectual property as well, so we do design applications to get design registration from DPDT (Department of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks) under the Patents and Designs Act, 1911. There are certain fees for different applications to protect a design fixed by the Bangladesh Govt.
Apart from this, we do file Civil suits or Criminal cases on behalf of a victim whose design is in danger means someone is pirating the design and manufacturing, marketing, and selling the goods in the market which is fully illegal. We do help to stop such illegal activities and gain the original design owner. 

Patent: A patent is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention. In Bangladesh under the Patents and Designs Act of 1911, the patent holder must sue someone infringing the patent to enforce their rights. In some industries patents are an essential form of competitive advantage; in others they are irrelevant. We consult for Patents to get registered a new patent. And we protect the Patent right through civil suits and criminal cases in Court as well.

Copyright: A copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to copy and distribute a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, graphical, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of creative work, but not the idea itself. We do applications to get copyright registered and also we take various legal actions on behalf of one whose copyright is pirated by someone.
The above are main but our firm also has various legal matters that we consult i.e. Business matters, NI ACT matters, Family matters, Artha Rin matters, etc.

We are also specialists in drafting legal notices, Cautionary notices to publish in the daily Newspaper, Deeds of Agreement, Deeds of Trademark Assignment, Trademark Using Agreements, Trademark and Design Transfer Agreements, Deeds of Contract, Deeds of Power of Attorney, Partnership Agreement, etc.